
Vampire Players Guide

With Kraig Blackwelder, Carl Bowen, Ann Braidwood, Jacqueline Brasfield, Christopher Gunning, Conrad Hubbard, Evan Jamieson, Jim Kiley, Christopher Kobar, Rhiannon Louve, Ari Marmell, Matt McFarland, Patrick O’Duffy, Chip Quinn, Aaron Rosenberg, Myranda Sarro, Dean Shomshak, Greg Stolze, Adam Tinworth, and Janet Trautvetter

White Wolf Publishing, 2003
ISBN-10: 1588462439
ISBN-13: 978-1588462435


No matter how many times you tell yourself it is just a game, a simple repast of pure fantasy, none of that seems to matter when the dice are cast and, to your utter disbelief and shock, the results indicate that your beloved character, the one you have nurtured like a special child, has finally met his final death. Of course, this can’t possibly be happening. You’ve been playing this character for ages now, ever since that sunny afternoon almost lost in the mists of time when you first cracked the Vampire core book and started allocating your dots to the various Attributes, Abilities and Backgrounds that made your character the action hero that he has become. There is just no way this is happening. You look at the storyteller, sure beyond a doubt that despite the numbers on the dice there is just no way she will allow your character to expire now, especially when you were so close to that next dot in Protean. And without your character, who’s going to be able to reveal the prince’s dark secret to the Brujah primogen? I mean really, that would ruin the storyteller’s whole chronicle, wouldn’t it? Surely she is going to fudge the results a bit and come up with some last-ditch saving throw, some cosmic /deus ex machina/ that will pull your well-worn Kindred out of the proverbial fire once again. Seriously, no one is really going to expect the whole game to stop so you can roll up a new character, right? Um, right?

Dead Again




The Succubus Club: Dead Man's Party